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Natural Cycle IVF

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What is Natural Cycle IVF?

Natural Cycle IVF (also known as “Natural IVF”) is the closest that IVF treatment can get to natural fertilisation. In natural cycle IVF, the one egg the woman naturally releases during her normal monthly cycle is collected and fertilised. No fertility drugs are used in this treatment. The aim is to collect the one egg that is naturally selected by the body, hoping that it is a high quality egg and therefore has better chances of a high quality embryo being created.

Natural Cycle IVF is the original version of IVF. The first baby ever born from IVF (Louise Brown in 1978) was born from a natural cycle IVF.

Who is the ideal candidate for natural cycle IVF?

  1. If a woman’s periods are fairly regular and she is ovulating normally, natural cycle IVF is an excellent option for her.
  2. If she is unable to take fertility drugs.
  3. If for personal or religious beliefs (or legal reasons) she does not wish to have surplus eggs or embryos stored.

How does natural cycle IVF work?

 The difference between conventional IVF and natural cycle IVF is that in natural cycle IVF no fertility drugs are used to boost the production of eggs.

What are the chances of success?

Rates are lower per treatment cycle than with conventional IVF, where drugs are used to stimulate the production of eggs. Natural cycle IVF does not rely on artificial aids, so much depends on the woman’s individual circumstances.

In many cases, women are told that they cannot have a child with their own eggs, because their AMH is too low, their FSH too high, they have low ovarian reserve or respond poorly to fertility drugs.

In our unit, we have an excellent  track record in treating these women with natural cycle IVF. We tailor treatment with no fertility drugs, giving women the best chance to have a child with their own eggs if they are still ovulating.

Advantages of Natural Cycle IVF

  1. It is the closest that IVF treatment can get to natural fertilisation.
  2. It is less expensive than stimulated IVF, as it does not require costly medications.
  3. In the vast majority of the cases it results in a singleton pregnancy.
  4. It can be repeated in consecutive cycles, whereas in stimulated IVF (due to the effect of ovarian stimulation drugs) women need to take two or three months break between IVF cycles.




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